Honey is one of the nature’s greatest products. For centuries, it’s been used for human consumption for health reasons. For the best benefits of honey, it has to be raw. Refined product doesn’t contain vitamins, minerals and enzymes as row honey. Quality of honey is determined by season flora at the time when collected and water content.
Honey mainly contains two simple sugars, glucose and fructose, and complex sugars like maltose and sucrose, and important minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium.
Honey benefits for kids
Babies up to one year should not be given honey because of dirt that can be found in it, and in the first year of life, children do not have sufficiently developed immune system.
Honey Cream recipe
Put equal amounts of liquid and crystallized honey in the mixing bowl. The best is if you have stand mixer because honey needs to be whipped for about fifteen minutes. You can repeat mixing in two, three intervals. Honey will become creamy and light, almost white. Whipped honey is great for tasty and energizing breakfast.
Honey benefits for gardening
Honey has a good effect on plant growth because of enzymes contained in it. Raw honey will give best results for root cutting use.
Mix honey with warm water and leave it to cool down away from light. When your cuttings are prepared for potting, immerse end of each cutting into honey solution before planting.
Honey benefits for hangovers and sleeplessness
Mix of natural sugars in honey is very good for sobering up after a good spree. Blend together one cup of orange juice, one cup of plain yoghurt and half a cup of liquid honey. It will help liver to get rid of alcohol faster.
Milk and honey, grandma’s best remedy for good night sleep. Calms down nerves and promotes sweet dreams. Alternatively, instead of milk, chamomile tea with honey is great remedy for sleeplessness.
Honey benefits for sore throat
Honey is gentle for the mucous membranes of the throat and has antibacterial properties. Drink warm water with honey. To wash mouth and throat, use mixture of equal amounts honey and lemon juice with a little bit of salt.
Honey benefits for detoxification
Honey and apple vinegar is used for a long time for self-detox and to easy problems brought by arthritis. In a cup of apple vinegar, add three tablespoons of honey and stir.
Honey and cinnamon for hair loss and bad breath
The medicine of far east has used honey and cinnamon mixture for thousand years for his many health benefits like bad breath or hair loss.
Honey and lemon for weight loss
Honey and lemon diet becoming popular, many people are passing their weight loss success with this diet.
Digestion benefits from honey consumption
To improve digestion, and help your bowels there is a good old ‘Milk and Honey’ drink. Alternatively, use yoghurt instead of milk.
Honey reducing cholesterol and prevention of heart disease
Honey is rich in antioxidants, standing side by side with green vegetables. One spoon of honey in the morning will lower cholesterol and prevent vascular and heart diseases.
Honey health benefits for ulcers
Honey helps in treatment of patients suffering from ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis.
Honey for athletic performance
Athletic performances are affected by honey consumption which is result of some recent science studies. Honey helps to decrease recovery time between major efforts.
Honey treatment for healing wounds and burns
Honey is important ingredient in skin treatment. His got antibacterial properties and nourishing affects that helps skin heal after injuries.
Honey benefits for skin treatments
Honey will nourish and moisturize your skin and his anti-bacterial affects will help to resolve numerous skin problems.
Honey can prevent allergies
Regular use of honey can prevent appearance of allergies caused by seasonal vegetation.
Honey against low white blood cell count
Just two tablespoons of honey daily can decrease risk of very low blood count during the chemotherapy.
Honey fights dandruff and other head skin problems
Dilute honey with warm water, approximately ten percent of honey amount. Apply to your scalp and leave it for two hours. Use it daily to fight scalp infections, dandruff and hair loss. Results can be visible within two weeks.
Honey helps in yoga practice
To achieve balance in body and in blood chemistry, take one spoon of honey with some warm water each morning before yoga session.
Honey and sound sleep for children
Honey has calming benefits, and therefor use of honey can help to prevent night cough among children helping well and sound sleep.